On Sunday, November 17, 2024, St. Archangel Michael’s Serbian Orthodox Church community in Homebush, prayerfully celebrated its patronal feast day. The celebration began with the Divine Hierarchical Liturgy, which was served by His Eminence Metropolitan Siluan of Australia and New Zealand, with the co-celebration of Protopresbyter Veselin Svorcan, the parish priest, and Protodeacon Petar Mrakic.
Before the start of the Divine Liturgy, Metropolitan Siluan, at the recommendation of the parish priest, graciously tonsured Adam Katru, a long-time altar server, to the rank of Reader. Adam has been regularly involved in the liturgical life of this parish for a long time, and he joyfully shares his God-given talents in church chanting.
After the reading of the Holy Gospel, Metropolitan Siluan delivered a very instructive sermon on the theme of the Gospel reading, on the well-known parable of the Lord as the sower. The Metropolitan spoke about what happens in our hearts when we hear the words of salvation from Christ, which should fall upon the fertile soil of our hearts. However, he explained, some hearts are like the pathways, where many desires and ideas pass through, and the birds of the sky (the evil spirits) easily carry them away through various lies and doubts, causing the seed to be lost.
The seed that falls on a heart like rocky soil also does not bear fruit because it has no root. Such hearts hear the words of salvation with some enthusiasm, but the seed does not reach deep into the heart; instead, it remains only as an intellectual and fleeting inspiration.
Perhaps the seed that falls among the thorns represents the majority of Orthodox Christians who hear the word of God with joy and are eager to preserve it. They go to church, perhaps fulfilling all outward commandments, but the cares of this world like weeds or thorns slowly suffocate their spiritual life, causing them to become formalistic, complacent, eventually doubtful, leading them away from Christ. These worries, in turn, slowly choke the seed, preventing it from bearing fruit.
Finally, there are those whose seed sprouts, grows, and bears fruit, not allowing concerns and various trials to suffocate the seed that God plants in their souls. These are the ones who labour on the path of Christ, trusting in the Lord and living both a sacramental and virtuous life in the Church.
After the prayer of thanksgiving, Metropolitan Siluan consecrated the parish’s new bookstore, after which he blessed the Slava gifts prepared in honour of the heavenly patron of the parish, St. Archangel Michael.
As seen in the photos, the church was filled with faithful people. Special attention and emotions were drawn to moments during the Divine Liturgy when everyone together prayerfully chanted the Nicene Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.
After the dismissal, Metropolitan Siluan praised the work and efforts of the parish, noting its progress in both the construction and arrangement of the church facilities and in its spiritual development.
Following the Divine Liturgy, the faithful, led by their Archbishop, proceeded to the church hall for a fellowship meal.
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